Work and Life Experience Pathway

Mature age applicants with work and life experience are those who left secondary education several years ago and have not undertaken vocational education training (VET) or higher education study since then.

This experience will include a combination of evidence that will help us determine whether you are ready to embark on a course of study in higher education. You will be entering under the mature age category, and will need to prove relevant professional experience, community involvement and may have taken, or be willing to undertake, the Special Tertiary Admissions Test (STAT).

Under this category of entry, you will:

  • Have completed your secondary education, whether at a state or private secondary school, TAFE or VET provider more than two years ago and will hold a certificate of completion
  • Have not completed your secondary education, but have significant professional work experience in the field applicable to the undergraduate course you are interested in
  • Provide evidence of a combination of the above criteria
  • Sit an interview with a course instructor to determine your readiness to enrol in the desired course of higher education

Each course offered by SCEI-HE will have its own specific entry requirements

These take account of which subjects you opted to take and complete in your final year of secondary education and what grades you achieved in these.

Your chosen undergraduate course may require a certain level of Maths or of English, or both.

Your chosen undergraduate course may require an ATAR of a minimum level. Upon graduating from Secondary school with a VCE, you will be given an ATAR number. The ATAR is a rank, not a mark.

The Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) is a number between 0.00 and 99.95 that indicates a student’s position relative to all the students in their age group.

Please consult the entry requirement of the course you are interested in applying for specific information.