Student Support

At SCEI-HE, we recognize that students’ personal experiences are integral to their academic success. We are committed to offering a wide array of support services and facilities to enhance student well-being. Central to this effort are our Student Support Coordinator and Support Administration Officers, who are dedicated to fostering a supportive environment for all students.

Description of Student Support Services

Student Administration

The Student Administration Team serves as your initial contact for:

  • General campus information
  • Inquiries regarding courses offered
  • Guidance on SCEI-HE policies and procedures, including their location
  • Updating personal details
  • Assistance with self-enrolments and the Learning Management System
  • Timetabling details
  • Applications for Credit Transfer and Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
  • Requests for letters or documents
  • Issuance of completion documents
  • Contact information for other pertinent departments

SCEI-HE Student Administration team is located at

SCEI-HE Melbourne Campus – 530 Victoria Street, North Melbourne

Mon – Thurs 8.30am – 4.30pm and Fri 8.30am-4pm

Course Enrolments and Administration:

Student Support:


Disability Services

At SCEI-HE, we uphold the rights of students with learning difficulties, disabilities, and/or impairments, ensuring they receive equitable opportunities and support comparable to their peers. This includes accommodating assessments through reasonable adjustments, such as modifying the learning environment or adapting teaching methods.

Prior to starting your course, please inform SCEI-HE and provide documentation of any disabilities that may impact your academic progress. Our Academic Support Coordinator will collaborate with lecturers to determine the most effective support strategies throughout your tenure at SCEI-HE.

Lecturers are committed to making reasonable adjustments to teaching methods, assessments, materials, and access to aid these students in their learning journey.

For information regarding disability services available, please contact the Academic Support Coordinator.

SCEI-HE Melbourne Campus – 530 Victoria Street, North Melbourne

Mon – Thurs 8.30am – 4.30pm and Fri 8.30am-4pm



English Language and Academic Study Support

SCEI-HE is dedicated to promoting educational fairness by supporting students with specific learning difficulties and/or disabilities to achieve their qualifications. We assist students in acquiring the knowledge, skills, and insights necessary to fully engage and succeed in their studies.

Our specialised learning support includes enhancing your English language proficiency and academic skills. We are committed to your success and nurturing your potential.

You are welcome to participate in:

  • Individual academic support sessions
  • Weekly academic support sessions and workshops
  • English tutoring classes

Accessing resources on Moodle to aid in assignment writing, including guidance on:

  • Academic integrity
  • Report writing
  • Referencing
  • Utilising library databases to locate articles for assessments
  • Time management

These resources are available both on campus and online, ensuring comprehensive support tailored to your academic needs. The Academic Support Coordinator works with the Academics in class to support your learning.

The Academic Support Coordinator can be contacted at

SCEI-HE Melbourne Campus – 530 Victoria Street, North Melbourne

Mon – Thurs 8.30am – 4.30pm and Fri 8.30am-4pm



Student accommodation across Australia’s capital cities is plentiful. International students generally may be able to organise accommodation through their agents. Specific agencies within city areas do cater for student accommodation, which includes Backpackers, Hotels, Hostels, Units and shared housing. The following link hosted by our partner organization provides more information about accommodation in Australia :

At SCEI-HE, we are committed to providing a safe, inclusive, and respectful environment for all students. Discrimination, harassment, and bullying are not tolerated, and support is available for those affected.


  • Discrimination occurs when someone is treated unfairly based on race, gender, sexuality, disability, or    other personal characteristics.
  • Harassment includes unwelcome behavior such as inappropriate comments, gestures, or physical contact that make a person feel unsafe.
  • Bullying involves repeated intimidation, threats, or exclusion, whether in person or online.

If you experience or witness any of these behaviors, confidential support is available. Our Student Counsellor can provide guidance, and incidents can be reported to the Student Support Team.

For additional assistance, you can also contact:

  • 1800RESPECT (24/7 national support) – 1800 737 732
  • Centre Against Sexual Assault (CASA House) – (03) 9635 3610
  • Victoria Police (Sexual Offences Unit) – 000 (emergency)
  • Lifeline Australia (Crisis Support) – 13 11 14


Your safety and well-being are our priority. All discussions remain confidential unless intervention is required for serious safety concerns. If you need help, please reach out.

SCEI-HE is committed to supporting the wellbeing of our students. You can access our free and confidential counselling service whenever you need. Our counsellor is experienced in supporting people with a variety of issues.

We all have to work through our problems at various stages in our lives. Talking to someone can help you overcome or better deal with your issue so you can get on with enjoying life and your studies again.

When should I see a counsellor?

Whenever you decide that you are ready. It is your decision to share your personal challenges to a trained professional. The first session can be just about getting to know the counsellor’s work and setting up a goal on what you would like to work on.

Some appointments can be a one-off, and the counsellor would ask the student if they would like a follow-up session to check on progress.

Sometimes problems creep up and it’s difficult to know what to do. You may find it difficult to talk to your friends or family about it. In these situations, talking to a counsellor is highly beneficial. If you’re beginning to feel stuck, uncertain, worried, or have any other personal issue you want to discuss with an impartial and supportive professional, you can make a free appointment to see our counsellors.

Personal Issues

Our counsellor can help with personal issues such as study stress, family and relationship problems, domestic violence, grief & loss, feeling homesick, loneliness, advice about making an important decision and much more.

Careers and job search support

While you are still a student with us, our counsellor can provide additional support for your mental health as you plan and apply for job vacancies. We can help validate the stress you may be experiencing and provide you with support in managing your anxiety or response to the interview or application outcome.

SCEI-HE offers a quiet room at its campuses for students to use.

The four key steps SCEI-HE uses to address Student Complaints, Grievance and Appeals are as follows: 

  1. Local-level resolution– Wherever appropriate and applicable, student complaints should be addressed locally through:
  • The department, or service area of SCEI-HE; or
  • Your international agent
    Note: SCEI-HE acknowledges that there may be instances where this step is not appropriate or applicable, for example, if a student does not feel comfortable doing so.
  1. Written Complaint – If resolution at a local level cannot be achieved or is not appropriate or applicable, you may lodge a Complaint.
  • Lodge a complaint using the HEFOR12 Complaint Form and send to
  • You will hear from a relevant staff member within 10 working days.
    Note: If a complaint is submitted anonymously, it will impact SCEI-HE’s ability to seek further information and to progress the complaint.
  1. Request an Internal Appeal– If after the complaint has been investigated and you are not satisfied with the process or outcome of the decision, you can request an internal review of the decision by a senior staff member.
  1. Request an External Appeal – If you are not satisfied with the process or outcome of the internal appeal, you can request an external appeal by an independent body – The Overseas Students Ombudsman International student complaints | Commonwealth Ombudsman
  • Once an external appeal is lodged, send an email to with reference or case number within 10 working days of the date of the internal appeal decision.
If you have a complaint, please try to address your issue through our internal processes, outlined in the following documents on the Policies and Procedures page (under Student Support) :
  • HEPP03 Student Complaint and Grievance Policy and Procedure
  • Student Complaints and Appeals Procedure
Note: If you have a complaint that involves sexual harassment or complaints involving equal opportunity issues (including harassment and bullying) please refer to our Student Equal Opportunity, Discrimination and Harassment Policy. You can access our policies here : Policies and Procedures.

You can seek support and assistance throughout the student complaints process from the following sources :

  • Teaching staff can provide information about the Student Complaints and Appeals Policy & associated Procedure
  • Student Services can give you information and advice about the complaints process
  • Counsellors and Academic Support can give you information and advice about the complaints process, offer can offer confidential emotional support (our counsellors do not provide legal advice)

A Support Person can accompany you to any meetings (however, this person does not act as an advocate). This can be a friend or a family member.

  • All parties are entitled to confidentiality in a complaints process, and it is important that you do not publicly name the person you have lodged a complaint against.
  • Please consult the information in our Student Complaints and Appeals Policy and the associated Student Complaints and Appeals Procedure (see also roles and responsibilities of a Student Complainant, as outlined in Appendix C of the procedure).

You can access our policies and procedure here : Policies and Procedures

Complaints about harassment or discrimination

Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission

Level 3, 204 Lygon Street, Carlton 3053

1300 891 848

Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission

HREOC (Federal)
GPO Box 5218, Sydney 2001

1300 656 419

Complaints about internal policies or proceduresNational Student Ombudsman

Melbourne – Level 2, 452 Flinders Street

Adelaide – Level 11, 25 Grenfell Street

1300 395 775

Complaints about the quality of a higher education course

Complaints Officer

GPO Box 1672
Melbourne 3001 739 585

Complaints in relation to Student HELP Loans for Higher Education students

1800 020 108

Student HELP Loan Enquiry Form

SCEI-HE provides all students with access to :

  • Personal counselling
  • Academic progress
  • Official Student Association and special interest student groups
  • After-hours student support (Malaysia)
  • Referral to legal services
  • Referral to accommodation services
  • Referral to emergency services and support
  • Advice on health services and insurance
  • Disability services
  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander student support groups and services
  • Chaplain services
  • Muslim prayer rooms and multi-faith spaces
  • Living and studying in Australia information seminars
  • Mature age student support groups
  • Student advocacy
  • Student-life and money management information seminars
  • English language and academic writing workshops
  • Cross-cultural awareness information seminars
  • Time management and study habit workshops

Need further assistance ?

Contact our student welfare team.