
Dr Marise Williams

Dr Marise Williams


Williams, M. (2012). The gender politics of Underbelly Razor: [Paper in: True crime: every contact leaves a trace. Brooks, David and McMahon, Elizabeth (eds)]. Southerly, 72(2), p. 9–24.

Williams, M. (2010). Imagining uxoricide: Reading the scene of the crime. Australian Feminist Studies, 25(65), p. 281–294.

Williams, M. (2009). The white woman’s burden: Whiteness and the neo-colonialist historical imagination in The Proposition (John Hillcoat, 2005). Studies in Australasian Cinema, 3(3), p. 265-278.

Williams, M. (2009). Mourning half begun. Runway, Issue 13, p. 10-13.

Williams, M. (2005). Selling his story: The peritextual enhancement of O.J. Simpson’s defence fundraising memoir. Philament: An Online Journal of the Arts and Culture, 5.

Williams, M. (2005). A brief history of the Penny Dreadful. Penny Dreadful, p. 49-51.

Book Chapter

Williams, M. (2012). Regarding the ground of the altermodern in Paul Auster’s Man in the Dark. In Marks, P. (Ed.), Literature and politics: Pushing the world in certain directions. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Exhibition Catalogue

Williams, M. (Ed.) (2008). Lines in the Sand: Botany Bay Stories from 1770. Exhibition curated by Anthony “Ace” Bourke. Gymea: Hazelhurst Regional Gallery and Arts Centre, 2008.

Doctoral Thesis

Williams, M. (2004). Reading O.J. Simpson: Everyday rhetoric as gift and commodity in I Want to Tell You [Doctoral thesis, The University of Sydney].
Dr Ririn Yuniasih

Dr Ririn Yuniasih


Yuniasih, R. (2023). Exploring materialities in children’s games: Revisiting the Javanese philosophy of laku in seeking knowledge. Policy Futures in Education, 0(0).

Yuniasih, R., Bone, J. & Quiñones, G. (2020). Encounters with stones: Diffracting traditional games. Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood, 24. 146394912098295. 10.1177/1463949120982959.

Book Chapter

Yuniasih, R. (2020). Pengarusutamaan perlindungan anak dalam pendidikan [Mainstreaming child’s protection in education]. In Nainggolan, Y., Kailani, A., Rafidiyah, D., Handoyo, F., Hermudananto, H., al-Makassary, R., Yuniasih, R., Fahreza, R., Nugraha, R.R., Zahra, S., Testriono, F. & Ikhwanudin, T. (Eds.), Rekomendasi Kebijakan 100 Hari Pertama Jokowi-Ma’ruf Amin [Policy Recommendations for the First 100 Days of Jokowi and Ma’ruf Amin]. Jakarta, Indonesia: Asosiasi Alumni Program Beasiswa Amerika-Indonesia (ALPHA-I) [American-Indonesian Scholarship Program Alumni Association].


Yuniasih, R. (2016). Belajar, berbagi, berkolaborasi: Bergabung dalam study group(s) [Learn, share, collaborate: Joining study group(s)]. In Social Researchers Forum (Eds.), Berlayar: Perjalanan mahasiswa Indonesia meraih PhD [Sailing: The journey of Indonesian students to earn their PhD]. Jakarta, Indonesia: SRF Publishing.


Yuniasih, R. (2016). Sekolah yang menyediakan ‘space’ untuk bergerak dan bermain [A school that provides ‘space’ to move and play]. In Nu’man, B. & Fridani, L. (Eds.), Menuju sekolah masa depan antara harapan dan kenyataan: Kumpulan ekspresi pengalaman bersekolah di negeri kangguru [Towards a school of the future between hope and reality: A collection of expressions of the experience of going to school in the land of kangaroo]. Jakarta, Indonesia: Lentera Ilmu Cendekia.

Conference Proceeding

Yuniasih, R. (2019, June 17-19). Performative agency of visuals as pedagogical documentation in the context of children’s games [Paper presentation]. 2019 International Association for Visual Pedagogies (AVP) Conference, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Melbourne, Australia.


Yuniasih, R. (2017, November 20-22). Exploring an ongoing process of intra-activity in the context traditional games [Paper presentation]. New Zealand Association of Research of Education (NZARE) Conference 2017, University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand.


Yuniasih, R. (2017, July 18-19). Exploring ethical space in the play of children’s traditional games: A post-humanist view [Paper presentation]. “Past the Posts? Post-Inquiry in the Post-Truth Era” Conference by Research for Educational Impact (REDI), Deakin University, Burwood, Australia.


Yuniasih, R. (2017, July 12). Exploring ethical space in the play of children’s traditional games: A post-humanist view [Paper presentation]. Monash Education Research Community (MERC) Conference 2017, Monash University, Clayton, Australia.


Yuniasih, R. (2016, November 20-23). Negotiating traditional values in the current context through reinventing traditional games: A case study of Indonesia [Paper presentation]. New Zealand Association of Research of Education (NZARE) Conference 2016, Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington, New Zealand.


Yuniasih, R. (2016, August 31-September 3). Reinventing traditional games among children in Indonesia: An exploration from relational materialist approach [Paper presentation]. 26th European Early Childhood Education Research Association (EECERA) Conference 2016, Dublin City University, Dublin, Ireland.


Yuniasih, R. (2016, July 6). Reinventing traditional games among children in Indonesia: Re-learning from the past in a current context [Paper presentation]. Monash Education Research Community (MERC) Conference 2016, Monash University, Clayton, Australia.

Doctoral Thesis

Yuniasih, R. (2019). Reinventing traditional games: A new materialist account towards performative understanding of children’s games [Doctoral thesis, Monash University].
Dr Gail Ekici

Dr Gail Ekici


Hewage, T.N., Halgamuge, M.N., Syed, A. & Ekici, G. (2018). Big data techniques of Google, Amazon, Facebook and Twitter. Journal of Communications, 13(2), p. 94-100.

Book Chapter

Singh, M., Halgamuge, M.N., Ekici, G. & Jayasekara, C.S. (2018). A review on security and privacy challenges of big data. Cognitive computing for big data systems over IoT, p. 175-200. 10.1007/978-3-319-70688-7_8.

Conference Proceeding

Jeewantha, R.A., Halgamuge, M.N., Mohammad, A. & Ekici, G. (2017). Classification performance analysis in medical science: Using kidney disease data. Proceedings of 2017 International Conference on Big Data Research (ICBDR’17).

Doctoral Thesis

Ekici, G. (2022). The role of student silent behaviour in an adult pre-intermediate communicative language learning classroom setting [Doctoral thesis, University of Southern Queensland].